If you are unable to do a specific duty steward shift, it is your responsibility to arrange with someone else to fill the duty steward responsibility. If the duty steward for a particular day has not arranged for a replacement, then any available committee member present is requested to step in and the fill the duty. Please note that it does not give free license to members not to perform their duties. PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE.


1.    Report for duty at least half an hour before tabs are drawn.
2.    Make sure that all score boards, pens, chalk and jacks are put out.
3.    Make sure that water and glasses are put out.
4.    Collect tabs money from players and make sure it balances with amount of tabs.
5.    The money and the number of tabs must be written up in the receipt book, which is obtainable from bar staff. Please confirm with bar staff and sign the receipt upon handover of monies.
6.    Allow players whom are carded for competitions to draw rinks and commence play.
7.    Do the draw for players playing tabs and allocate rinks for games.
8.    A list of players handicap and playing positions is on the notice board for easy reference.
9.    If unsure about draws, please ask experience players for assistance.
10. To familiarise yourself with draws and how duty should work – watch when other members are doing duty. It is easier when you know what you are
11. After the games are completed it is the responsibility of the duty steward to ensure all boards, pens and chalk are returned – we urge all 
members to assist in this regard please!
12. All jacks must be returned to the box provided for safe keeping.
13. Doing duty is part of the game, so please be conscientious and obliging.
14. We thank all members for this valuable assistance!!!

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